HEC updates

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Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:22 pm

Like i said not a goon night was had but during the night i guess while asleep something went through my mind to look for a grey box not a black one :shrug: so when i eventually got rolling i went straight to it :nana1: .

With everything at the ready i gingerly carried on with the riv-nut i was working on yesterday and with one slightly stronger pull/squeeze that riv-nut is now a tight fit and i am happy :woohoo: and all my negative thoughts in myself have gone.

Having got so stressed yesterday with the thoughts of messing things up i thought it best just to tidy up and clean my tools along with fixing my good old faithful avo that had a broken soldered joint which is now fixed not realizing how lost i would be without my good old faithful box of tricks.

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
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Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:22 pm

Hey Up chaps, i am at last getting there with all four riv-nuts now in place with the bottom one being a bit of a tinker but i guess that's my fault :embarassed: , one for having a bit to much to play with and two i should have persuaded my helper to go in my body shed to fetch me the hinges that would have made the job so much easier :thud: .

I guess not wanting him to stop what ever he was having a bash at for me like sorting soil/hardcore for my soak away's :whistle: then him barrowing the soil round to my neighbor so i end up with more space and she end's up with nice soil to sow some grass so i guess that was what i was thinking :shrug: .

Anyway with the top tailgate shut i have the same gap all the way round the top tailgate and i have even managed to get the original door locking mechanism of the top tailgate to work as it was so i am chuffed especially as i made do with what was easiest to get to without struggling.

Having got to this stage i thought it best to stop and leave the final bit's till tomorrow when i have daylight and am a bit fresher with my thoughts to avoid any mistakes :stars: .

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:37 pm

G'day chaps, well i have to say i have had a smile on my face all day after being so apprehensive about what and how i have been working on my top tailgate with the fact it opens and shuts so easy now i wish i had plucked up the courage years ago to achieve what i have done.

I know with fixing the bottom seal back on some resistance will be felt but i guess that is a good sign of the rubber doing it's job although i have had to make alloy shims to help things work easier or just line up better it is now down to altering the number plate wires before rubbing down the tailgate and apply rust killer then undercoat.

Because i had fitted a panel above the back door aperture i could not pull the pins out of the tail gate hinges so after a tidy up in the morning :whistle: the hinge pins will be out and put safe with the top hinges, :nana: to be honest i didn't think what i had in mind was something i could master without confusion :stars:, i however put it down to talking on here helps me understand my own thoughts so thanks for reading and sorry if i bore you but feeling as happy as i do at this moment in time i don't think i could better it :wink: .

Simple things please simple minds but do i care :shakehead: . Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
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Re: HEC updates

Post by RobW » Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:01 pm

If you're taking the hinge pins out to put somewhere safe, post the location on here for posterity. The number of bits I've got stashed "safe" and then found after buying the replacement would fill a small cupboard! It also explains why I'm always finding oil filters in odd places....
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Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:00 pm

G'day Rob, i have done my best and i have a box labeled with the relevant parts in when i manage to retrieve the plate with two captive nut's on for one of the top hinges that my so called helper managed to drop inside the tailgate frame work not once but twice :banghead: .

I retrieved one eventually after undoing what i had just put together through the bottom part of the frame using a magnet and a pair of pin nosed pliers :wink: , a bit brassed off i told him to go dig a hole for a soak away while i carry on making a better job of my number plate lights and wiring due to the door now opening sideways :nana: .

Although i am happy with what i have done i have now noticed a lot of slop in the tail gate door handle but it's not the handle it'self but it's inside where i can't see so rather than it break when i am away from home i might as well fix it properly now before i treat the tailgate to some nice new paint.

Regards the save place :cactus: when the other plate is retrieved it will be put in the box mentioned above then into the body shed to give at least a rough idea of it's location :laugh: .

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:59 pm

:nana: Well chap's it has been throwing it down today but do i care :neener: nope not at all and being able to open and shut my rear tailgate sideways has meant i can work on it a lot easier with my lightweight tarp hung over the pull out canopy :wink: , even after tea having made a small wiring loom for the two number plate lights i managed to thread the said loom in conduit inside the upper tailgate.

Having utilized the holes were one of the reason's for a light at each end of the number plate above the rear window which means what was classed as a tad rough is now just a tad different :laugh: which is also another reason for tinkering with the hinge set up that if all didn't go to plan i hadn't wasted a good tailgate.

Having had some more small bit's of marine ply dropped off i guess while paint is drying tomorrow i can maybe have a bash on the start of a lightweight cupboard that will house my light weight utensils that i hope will be with me soon rather than take what i have used out of the other trucks that are well used now.

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
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Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:51 pm

A change of mind today chap's and rather than knocking up some sort of storage i thought my bed should come first with comfort seemingly to be a thing i need rather than eating which you could say is something else i can get carried away with whether it is warm or cold makes no difference.

I have a water proof mattress that i will work from because i need to sleep on my back, this deters what i need to do regards a good nights kip that's why i prefer 109's but that's another story and i am working with this old gal as a bit of a challenge.

Sorry there are no pictures but my lass is back at work after a long lay off so i try to get her to chill out when she gets home.

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
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Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:28 pm

Here you go another instalment
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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:21 pm

G'day chaps, i managed to tie my lass down to take some pictures of what i have been waffling on about but torrential rain threatened so i didn't rush putting the bed extension up but it works on the same principal as the table :wink: .

With the wires for the number plate lights fed into conduit off an old disco loom through the frame work of the top tailgate which is done so any rubbing when opening and shutting rub insulation off the wires i hope won't happen so no shorts i can't see will be a distant memory :whistle: .

The connecting block was used on purpose, the reason being it came out of a box of tricks that were my late fathers and were used in Cambera reconnaissance aircraft so rather than use normal bullet connectors along with some dash lights from a Shackleton Bomber were used as a reminder i guess because that's the sort of thing he did :shrug: .

I guess because my bed section is not yet painted and the screw in parts for the legs are not yet fitted it will give a reason for another picture at a later time :laugh: .

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:48 pm

Well people,that although i thought my day was going to be a bit more productive a lot of time was spent preparing small parts for painting, the rest of the day was spent hunting again for that elusive part :shakehead: .

The bracket and anti loose pins that are used to clip my table against the back body are what i am after but i refuse to go in my body shed never to be seen again :laugh: , anyhow as usual i went to the place on my bench i remember seeing some a while ago but of course that could have been months ago :shrug: but you have to start somewhere :stars: .

Anyway by the end of the day in some shelving behind my bench i came across three :woohoo: , one left hand plate complete with the pin- one left hand one with a hole and a right hand side one with no hole or pin :thud: although i can drill the hole the bigger size pin that will hold my weight i would prefer :embarassed: .

Tomorrow i hope will bring me more luck unless of course someone close has some rear capping's with the anti loose pins on and by that i mean the rear galvanized parts that that keep the tail gate shut :bow: .

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
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