HEC updates

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Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:59 pm

Hello everyone, here's what brads been doing.
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Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Wed Sep 21, 2016 9:51 pm

:whistle: Hello chaps, it,s maybe not to everyone's taste but don't worry it was the only primer-undercoat i could lay my hands on after spending most of the day gluing and screwing this lot together, well the last couple of lengths :wink: but it's done and i can sit on it :laugh:.

As usual how old the paint is i don't know but it took some stirring before i could lay down on my stomachache to get the underneath the back on my knee's to do the rest with my loyal one inch brush :whistle: but at least it has had a good first coat of paint even though you won't see it i know it's done :shrug: .

As for the next stage :shrug: i guess what ever comes to mind tomorrow when i get up and stand at the rear of the truck with a brew it will either be measuring and cutting the top or giving it another coat of paint if the weather is not good that is :cactus: .

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:50 pm

Sorry if i annoyed anyone one with those bight pictures but worry not it was the only primer i had :whistle: however the frame work is now top coated grey and to be honest has come out well :wink: .

Unable to get on with anything else in the truck due to the smell of paint in a confined space making me ill i turned my attention to the wheels i will be using that are shod with 205 tyres but needed rubbing down and painting but at least outside so i set my helper on rubbing the wheels down so i could treat the rust prime and undercoat them which to be honest took most of the day.

Tea time came and went :shrug: not that i realized due to me deciding a good tidy up of tools and making space for a few trinkets new to me that got me carried away in another direction :thud: till i heard the guy on my wireless give me the time :aaagh: time to pack up for today having got done more than i thought :nana: .

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:25 pm

G'day chaps, with it being another nice day i thought a nice top coat of light fergy grey would look good and in dead it does so at least i am happy even though the wheels are the same colour of the truck that is my choice along with the blue 1/8 of an inch banding round the edge of the rim {Romany Style} :wink: .

Although i have quite a bit of timber to choose from it was thin marine ply i was looking for to lay and fasten to the frame work but could i find some :shakehead: so a brew and rattle of my little brain box i remembered some had got wet and i had put it to dry then when i dug it out i realized it was a tad to thick and on the heavy side :whistle: .

I looked every where and came to the conclusion i was going to have to buy some :thud: , that thought made me look in my electrical shed and as i opened the door the first thing to catch my eye was a piece of marine ply a tad on the large side but the thickness needed :nana: .

That piece of ply is now cut to length but i need to cut a few segments out so it fit's nice and snug so i guess that will be in the morning with daylight, as to what it was doing in the electrical shed i really don't know but i guess that could be said about a lot of things with Mr Nobody coming home.

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Sat Sep 24, 2016 11:10 pm

Oh Well! :cactus: so much for starting at a reasonable hour today :shrug: but i guess lunch time is better than half way through the afternoon :embarassed: .

With the sun shining i thought it best to get the wheels painted with there last coat of grey but as usual the romany side of me took over with all four done the first had gone well tacky so i went ahead and added my usual touch of a bit of free hand blue :whistle: .

I know it makes people ask why :shakehead: but it is something i have done all my life :wink:, individuality being me all over which includes my outlook on life and i will never change :laugh: .

Before i knew it again tea time had come and gone and with my lass being up in Bradford after her brothers had taken her out for the day it was soon time to clean my brushes and pack up again content with what i had achieved.

Woodwork tomorrow having sharpened my chisels on an oil stone. Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:41 pm

:woohoo: the ply is now cut to shape glued and screwed in place edging cut to shape glued and pinned in place the the countersunk screws were finished off with filler and left to dry.

:eatin: and a brew the sun soon dried everything so a good rub down and a couple of coats of stain were added so tomorrow if i am happy the way it has turned out it's time to have a practice run with fitting my gas hob :wink: .

Today was the final straw for my top section lift up tail gate having banged my head for the last time :thud: so if nothing else happens i will be sorting hindges so it opens to the side but still locks with the standard handle :whistle: .

A picture will follow soon. Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:52 pm

G'day chaps, rather than keep bashing my bonce on the top tailgate and it was raining so that meant i could not get to the back of my body shed due to the hinges being right at the back so a change of plan.

With the shelf i made to support a small hob and cupboard i am yet to build only being 11 inches in depth the hob i wanted to use was a tad to wide as are all my others i then remembered a rusty old hod i got from a member but it was in need of a bit of tlc but it's the size needed :wink: .

Time for a strip down try and clean what paint there was on the sides-back and lid but i also cleaned the stainless top and burners then went inside for some tucker and a brew while the paint stripper i applied was left to do it's thing.

After my light refreshment and meds i went outside to carry on but with the damp air seemed to hold the smell of the paint stripper to my nose level :thud: WOW! instant banging headache and even my helper could not stand it but managed to get the worst off bless him :whistle: .

I had manage to prime what had been stripped of paint along with checking the taps and jets for condition but that smell was evel even though it was outside away from me i had to call it a night and let the rain do it's thing with damping down the fumes of that paint stripper :stars: .

catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
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Re: HEC updates

Post by w3526602 » Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:23 am

- it's not a nice thought for the bonnet to come down with a 7.50 ZXY on it!!

Hi Robin,

OT ... and it's also not nice to be smacked on the back of your head by a hospital car park barrier. :stars:

Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:06 pm

:woohoo: Chaps, the hob is now painted made easier because it is in bits, that's rust treated-primed-undercoated and a few coats of top coat and i am well happy :nana: ,although i managed the the lid the inner part only got treated primed and undercoated ready for action tomorrow.

While the paint was drying my thoughts turned to the piping which will be a flexy to a copper pipe recycled from an old caravan into the truck then a flexy pipe to the hob with enough so i can move the hob when needed, this you will understand better when i can get my lass to put up some pictures but i am well happy and time for a :wine: or two :whistle: .

Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Info: romanyrose

Re: HEC updates

Post by romanyrose » Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:09 pm

Eh Up chaps, i only called in yesterday for a quick gander but i have been really busy having had to rub the lid down of my hob due to a reaction from the paint and what must have been the remnants of paint stripper i didn't get out of the rusty section of the lid :banghead: .

Anyway i stripped the paint right back to bare metal gave the lid a good soapy wash and started again so it not shines like a new one apart from the dents i sort of knocked out leaving small dips from where the rust had been having a snack but in my eye's gives it character :laugh: .

As usual a change of plan today and i dug out some dexion and cut it to the length an inch longer each side of the anti loose pins then drilled the holes on my very tired pillar drill so in effect the dexion is held in place very much the same as a tail gate, with that done a good clean down then a coat of primmer.

I have two sets of hooks and chains on my tailgate so i can vary the height of my tailgate so when the tailgate is horizontal this will support my table when clipped in place withe legs in the down position so with that in mind i set to and cut myself a table top out of marine ply donated to me by my friendly neighbor who also keeps me supplied with screws.

Hopefully pictures will arrive soon :embarassed: . Catch you later. R-Rose :tiphat: .
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